Edgefield Distillery
Distilling Process

Distillery Tours
Monday–Sunday at 2 p.m.  Please note there will be no tours January 27-29.

photoIt was a cold and rainy day in February 1998 when the Edgefield Distillery threw open the doors of its rustic lair of a building, once a dry shed for storing vegetables grown at the Edgefield estate during its days as a poor farm. Today, the spot hosts the Distillery itself, along with the Distillery Bar and serves as the clubhouse for Edgefield's par-3 Pub Course.

With glass in hand, visitors can gaze through ornate etched glass to see our copper and stainless steel stills in full swing. 

Specialties of the house include the rich, amber-hued Hogshead Whiskey, fragrant Edgefield Brandy and Penney's Gin, as well as Longshot Brandy and Pear Brandy.


Spirits can be sampled and purchased at the adjacent Distillery Bar, a comfortable and inviting pub open to guests who are 21 and over. Cozy up next to the fire insides its weathered walls, fashioned from a series of etched windows that once adorned the likes of merry old England's White Horse Inn and Bellman's Cross Inn. Or take a table outside to enjoy fair weather.

Did you know we added a second distillery? Visit the Cornelius Pass Distillery, founded in 2012.


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